Old school Swatch Watches
- Still to come tonight, Cena vs. Laurinaitis, Otunga and Show in a Handicap Match. We see stills from the Tuxedo Match at No Way Out between Santino Marella and Ricardo Rodriguez. Alberto Del Riohas been cleared to compete and will face Santino next. Back to commercial.

*Santino Marella vs. Alberto Del Rio

Santino gets in a big hip toss but misses the headbutt. Santino goes on and brings out the Cobra but Del Rio kicks him in the head. Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker for the win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
- After the match, Del Rio poses with Ricardo in the ring over Santino. Del Rio leaves the ring and Ricardo goes back in to drop Santino with an armbreaker. Ricardo joins Del Rio on the stage before going to the back.

- WWE Divas Champion Layla is in the ring. In honor of the upcoming 1,000th RAW, she introduces WWE Hall of Famer Wendi Richter and Grammy Award winner Cyndi Lauper, making her first WWE appearance in many years. Richter and Lauper head to the ring.

Lauper talks about how it’s been along time and how it’s good to see her girl Wendi. Wendi talks but they’re interrupted by Heath Slater. Slater comes out and calls this a train-wreck. Lauper asks who he is. Slater says he’s the one man band. Lauper and Slater have words. Slater tells all three of them to leave the ring so the world can witness his first single. The crowd chants for Zack Ryder. Slater starts to sing and finally Roddy Piper’s music hits. The WWE Hall of Famer comes out to a big pop from the crowd.

Piper kisses the hands of Layla, Lauper and Richter. Piper tells Slater to take a hike. Piper says it was the Rock ‘n Wrestling Connection that put wrestling where it is today. Piper says he’s been waiting a long time to do this. He says he loves Lauper and has something brought up from ringside. Piper recalls when Lauper’s gold record got broken with Captain Lou Albano. Piper presents Lauper with a new record and plaque. He presents it on behalf of himself, Albano and the entire WWE Universe. Piper says Lauper is the best woman he’s known associated with wrestling. Piper gets emotional and hugs Lauper, telling her he loves her again. Slater has had enough. He tells them all to get out of his ring so people can hear his single. Slater goes on and ends up getting the new plaque and record smashed over his head by Lauper. Piper looks concerned as Slater gets busted open and goes down. They all dance around to celebrate.

*Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Primo and Epico

Primo and Epico run the ropes to dive out but AW gets in the way and they choose not to leap out of the ring. AW keeps Young and O’Neil on the ramp as the referee counts them out.
Winners by Count Out: Primo and Epico

- We see footage of Chris Jericho playing at the Download Festival with Fozzy. They confirm that Jericho will return to RAW next Monday night. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and John Laurinaitis is in the ring for his farewell address. Laurinaitis says John Cena cheated at No Way Out.Laurinaitis says Cena and 5 other men beat down Big Show, allowing Cena to win. Laurinaitis goes on and says the next time we see him it will be when he’s inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He calls it a dark day for WWE and introduces his partners.

*John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis and David Otunga

Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Laurinaitis and then the Attitude Adjustment. The crowd wants one more and Cena delivers. Cena hits a third AA and then puts Laurinaitis in the STF. Laurinaitis taps out for the win.
Winner: John Cena
- After the match, Teddy Long celebrates at ringside as John Cena salutes him. Laurinaitis rolls out to the floor as Cena celebratesin the ring. Cena taunts Laurinaitisas RAW goes off the air.

Source: WrestleNewz.com


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